
Helical gear design software
Helical gear design software

The study considered the existing approaches in use for the design of helical gears and then established a design analysis procedure for helical gear design. The software was developed, using JAVA programming language, as a tool for determining the design parameters and producing accurate and efficient 3D (three dimensional) and 2D (two dimensional) detail working drawings of helical gears. As we have discussed in our previous post that in case of helical gear, engagement of helical gear teeth will be gradual and engagement will start from one end of a tooth of helical gear with the other tooth of mating helical gear and spread continuously throughout the tooth as gear rotates.An interactive user friendly low cost software called "CADDgear" was developed in this study to facilitate the design and drafting of helical and spur gears thereby generating reliable data for use in manufacturing process. Download Helical Gear Calculator - best software for Windows.Helical gears will have more capability to transmit load between two parallel shafts as compared to similar module and equivalent width of spur gears.Helical gears could be used to transmit the motion and power between two parallel shafts and also between two non parallel shafts.Helical gears are preferred for heavy load applications.Such gradual engagement of helical gear will provide the silent and smooth operation. There will be less wear and tear in case of helical gear during operation as compared to wear and tear in case spur gears operation as if we consider helical gears operation, load will be distributed between several teeth at any time and that is why there will be less wear and tear in operation of helical gears. There will be sliding movement between mating gear teeth in case of helical gear and heat generation will be more as compared to spur gear application.When a pair of helical gear meshes with each other, there will be creation of axial thrust load on gear due to helix angle of gear teeth and therefore gearbox designer has to select such bearings those are able to absorb and support this axial thrust load.ModelEngineersUtilities: Model Engineers’ Utilities is a useful suite of calculators for machinists and engineers.

helical gear design software helical gear design software helical gear design software

Manufacturing and designing cost of helical gears will be more as compared to spur gear designing and manufacturing cost.Power loss in case of helical gear train operation will be more as compared to spur gear train operation.One pair of mating helical gear will have less efficiency as compared to efficiency of mating spur gears of similar size.Therefore helical gear requires good quality of lubrication.

Helical gear design software